Body | Weight Management and Hyperhydrosis - Lara Clinic


Weight management treatment like Saxenda and Contrave offer unique advantages that complement regular exercise routines. These medications help to curb unhealthy craving and emotional eating that contribute largely to the cases of obesity in Malaysia. Our doctor will do health screening on potential candidates to ensure that the patient is safe and suitable to take the medication, and this will be followed by close monitoring by the doctor. The teamwork between doctor and patient will most likely result in getting the desired result


Saxenda is prescribed medication by mean of injection that contains liraglutide which helps to suppress appetite. This will then lead to fewer calorie intake which will greatly increase your chance to lose more weight. This medication has FDA-approval.


Contrave is an FDA-approved weight loss medication for people who are overweight. It contains naltrexone and bupripione and is taken orally daily until you reach your target weight. Suitable for people who suffer from emotional eating disorder


Are you bothered by constant, excessive sweating? Botulinum Toxin A, commonly known as Botox, offers a proven solution for hyperhidrosis. This treatment targets overactive sweat glands, providing relief and confidence for those dealing with this condition. Discover BTA for hyperhidrosis at Lara Clinic.

BTA for Hyperhydrosis

Hyperhidrosis is a condition in which a person sweats excessively that it gives a great impact on their daily lives. The most common types of hyperhidrosis are axillary (armpit) hyperhidrosis and palmar (palms of the hands) hyperhidrosis. Worry no more, this condition can easily be treated with BTA injection but complete assessment by doctor is a must before starting the treatment.


Our aesthetic clinic in Kuala Lumpur is dedicated to provide safe aesthetic procedures while delivering only natural-looking results. Discover why our patients are happy with us.

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